

My boyfriend asked for a paternity test for our child. As soon as the results come and show he is the father, I'm leaving him.

'What a way to start the new year': New Dad demands girlfriend take a paternity test, comes out negative but she leaves him anyway

2023 definitely started off on a bad note for this couple!
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kids mother mothers day family mom funny parents - 20497413

20 Funny Mom Memes and Fails for Mother's Day

Don't forget to call your Mother this weekend!
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toxic relationships family drama relationship entitled parents toxic toxic-family relationship-drama relationships entitled parents entitled people - 20417285

'Hey, wanna destroy a party?..': Couple counters step-mother when she tries to hijack their baby shower

Aren't families wonderful? Having someone in your life who insists on making everything about themselves is challenging… to say the least. Hijacking events to suit her own preference is probably only the tip of a very large hidden iceberg when it comes to dealing with this stepmother. This couple found themselves the target of the husband's evil stepmother after her efforts to claim a grandchild from her own children were thwarted. Her ambivalence and disinterest toward them and their pregnancy…
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‘Your Job Is Just a Hobby’ Rude Wife Tells Husband to Quit the Job He Loves So She Can Spend Even Less Time With Her Daughter

‘Your Job Is Just a Hobby’: Wife Tells Husband to Quit Job So That She Can Spend Even Less Time With Her Daughter

He is the primary caretaker of their daughter, and she spends less than two hours a day with her child…
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21 Parental LOLs in the Form of Tweets from the Trenches of Parenthood

21 Parental LOLs in the Form of Tweets from the Trenches of Parenthood

Parents are superheroes
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family drama marraige in laws parents relationships family feud family drama aita family-drama-stories - 20402437

'AITA for adjusting the thermostat at my in-law's house and not letting them adjust it at mine?': Family's thermostat battle heats up

Few family arguments get more—well… heated than the arguments that emerge over the thermostat and its setting. With different groups and subgroups of people fiercely insisting on wildly different settings that agree with their specific preferences—things can get cold-blooded. Speaking of cold-blooded: That's exactly what this guy's lizard-person relatives are. Who in their right mind chooses to exist in 80 ° F heat when you could just as easily not? These in-laws must spend most of their time b…
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'Entitled "Influencer" Karen chose the wrong one…': Mommy blogger tells restaurant staff she'll be eating for free

'Entitled "Influencer" Karen chose the wrong one…': Mommy blogger tells restaurant staff she'll be eating for free

Does a random blogger's influence really hold enough power to warrant a free meal? Unless you're a major celebrity, or blogging is a full-time job you make money from, I'm guessing the answer is no. But that didn't stop this woman from insisting on eating for free! At this point, the trend of influencers in restaurants has become pretty predictable — and silly. Have you ever seen the food arrive at the table, only for an aspiring influencer to start snapping 100 photos of everyone's food? This…
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Not your free baby sitter, thanks for asking though.

'It’s not a favor. It’s a job': Entitled mom insists friend should babysit her three kids, enlists mommy group to guilt her friend

This artist has a friend who may become an ex-friend following a heated childcare squabble. There are some “fun” careers that people tend to dismiss as not being “real work.” Even if your job seems fun to the people watching from the outside, that doesn't mean it lacks concentration, skill, and time management. This artist is dealing with that right now! Her friend seems to be under the impression that as an artist, the OP can just goof off and play with art supplies while watching the friend's…
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family drama boss aita mother work coworkers parenting family reddit thread Reddit parents - 1837575

'[He] told me he's planning on moving out soon': Mom oversteps, calls adult son's boss when he isn't home at expected time, causes rift

If there's one thing you don't want to happen at 21 years old… It's having your mother call your boss asking why you aren't home on time. Even if you're still living at home in your 20s, certain things need to be reassessed compared to how they were in your teen years. This mother took matters into her own hands when her son failed to return home at the usual time after his shift had ended. She managed to procure the son's boss's number from her son's friend and proceeded to call the boss, enqu…
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aita neighbors drama kids neighborhood parenting lawsuit Reddit parents neighbor - 16298757

Insane Neighbor Insists Homeowners Pay Their Child's Medical Bills After Their Child Hurts Themselves in Homeowners' Driveway

Maybe have some responsibility for your own children?
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‘She Needs to Pay Her Own Way’ : Wealthy in Laws Refuse to Pay For Daughter in Law in All Inclusive Family Vacation, Put Son In Awkward Position

‘She Needs to Pay Her Own Way’ : Wealthy in Laws Refuse to Pay For Daughter in Law in All Inclusive Family Vacation, Put Son In Awkward Position

These types of in-laws are always willing to pay for divorce attorneys.
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'He doesn't work for free, neither do I': Ex-boss talks about former employee behind her back, asks her to work for free

'He doesn't work for free, neither do I': Ex-boss talks about former employee behind her back, lies to her, then demands she work for free

You can definitely be friends with your boss , but when he starts asking for free labor, that's where this employee had to draw the line. This woman writes about her former boss as if he's a great guy, but he sounds like a major pain! U/ShirtSeparate3578 wrote to r/AmItheA**hole about an ongoing issue she's having with her former boss. As she tells it, she was at this job for a decade before leaving — she had to depart since her boss denied her a raise . But she stayed in contact with her boss,…
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Whats your least favorite name that a sibling, friend, or family member considered?

'He wanted to name a daughter Parmesan': 25 People shared the wackiest trendy names they've ever heard

You have not lived until you've heard a parent telling their two-year-old named Atticus not to eat a handful of dirt. These days, you'll hear a wide variety of names on the playground, many of which are older names coming back into style again. “That's enough time on the iPad, Henrietta!" or “Ethel! We don't grab people's hair!” are common to hear with today's youngsters. Other people have been super into naming their kids after objects, like Forrest. That's a pretty name, but the problem for F…
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family drama amitheahole aita drama parenting family Parenting Fail parents - 20040709

'AITA for wanting my sister to pay me back': Nephew loses $2000 scooter, parents refuse to pay

It stands to reason that if you lose or break something that isn't yours, you should have to replace it… There aren't many situations where this wouldn't be the case. And, yet, so many people have some sort of excuse or justification for why it's ok that they don't do so. This Redditor (OP) shared their story to Reddit's r/AmItheA**hole subreddit, telling how their nephew lost their $2000 scooter while their sister's family stayed at their house. The nephew had constantly been asking to ride it…
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‘You basically still are a baby’: 20+ cringe texts from your significant other after telling them you want a baby

‘You basically still are a baby’: 20+ cringe texts from your significant other after telling them you want a baby

Ever tried spooking your significant other this way? We highly recommend it TBH because these responses are wildly entertaining, to say the least. You know, that kind of entertaining where there’s clearly some drama and/or problems within the relationship, but it’s nothing but fun for you to witness because you’re not in the relationship yourself and you don’t know either of the people in the relationship either. You’re just there for the ride. If you’re just looking to get a humorous and genui…
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'Be careful what you wish for': Snarky mother pulls an uno reverse on her picky-eater 8 year old, feeding her the same meal for a week to teach her a lesson

'Be careful what you wish for': Snarky mother pulls an uno reverse on her picky-eater 8 year old, feeding her the same meal for a week to teach her a lesson

Kids go through phases of being little menaces. Sometimes that 'phase' extends into their entire lifetime, bit it's pretty much guaranteed when they're under 10 years old. By the time they're in 2nd or 3rd grade, they think they have the world figured out. They don't need mom and dad telling them what to do anymore and they become indignant, stubborn, picky babies once again.
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