

teacher teachers teacher-stories school back-to-school parents parenting parenting-fail mom father mother dad principal elementary

'Parents are unbelievably delusional': Teachers share out-of-pocket requests from the parents of their students

Being a teacher is a very under-appreciated career path. Oftentimes, teachers are dealing with overcrowded classrooms, so while they're trying to teach one student to spell ‘supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’, they're juggling a gaggle of banshees starting a coup in the opposite corner. The last thing most teachers need heaped on their plate are the asinine demands of feral parents.
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mom moms mother mothers motherhood parenting parents parent wheelchair son handicapped disabled parking doorman hotel

'My mum got in his face': Parent stands up for her wheelchair-bound son, flexing the full power of their car's handicapped sticker as petty revenge on a stickler doorman

Handicapped people get dibs on the choice parking spots– and they deserve to! Life is hard enough when you're struggling to be mobile, the least the rest of society can do is let you park right in the front. For most folks, it is second nature to be lenient to people with disabilities, even if there is no technical handicapped spot, but for one doorman, a real stickler, the rules of the street would NOT be bent on his watch.
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‘I cannot be in a long sleeve floor-length gown in the heat for 8 hours’: Mother-to-be stands up to an entitled bridezilla, refusing to abide by absurd dress code demands in order to protect her pregnancy

Some people have dreamed about their wedding day since they were a little kid. Childhood dreams of Cinderella dresses, clinking champagne flutes, and a black-tie affair can sail through a kid's mind without a second thought, but in the deep south, an outdoor, summertime, black-tie event is a little more complicated to plan than an enchanting Disney-style ball. Guests could lose more than a glass slipper in those hot n' sweaty conditions...
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parenting parents parent mom mother daughter protective family uncle banana barbecue family-cookout reddit aita

Protective Parent Goes Into Mom-Mode When Her Uncle Threatens to Call the Cops on Her 6-Year-Old For 'Stealing' a Banana From the Fruit Bowl

There's always a little drama at the family barbecue. No matter which way you slice those Deviled Eggs, there's going to be a cousin or a random Auntie causing a stink. In most families, there's at least one grouchy grump that's ready to ruin the entire day for everybody– in this case, over a the likes of a ripe-n-delicious banana.
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'She huffs and puffs and demands we make 7 dozen fresh donuts': 20+ Times that privileged people were introduced to real-world problems

'She huffs and puffs and demands we make 7 dozen fresh donuts': 20+ Times that privileged people were introduced to real-world problems

If you've ever had a roommate who doesn't know how to cook or clean since their mom always did that for them, these stories are for you. Some people are born into entitled families , or are born with an immense amount of privilege. As a kid, their parents do everything for them. Then, when the kid grows up and embarks upon their journey into adulthood, it's clear that they're spoiled and clueless about how the real world actually works. I knew a dude in college who was only failing classes beca…
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karen karens karen-customer customer grocery loblaws pregnant pregnancy trimester baby parents parenting entitled parent mother reddit expectant-mother parking

Self-Important Karen Makes a Pregnant Lady Cry After Stealing an ‘Expectant Mother’ Parking Spot at the Supermarket; Heroic Civilians Teach the Karen a Lesson in Decency

Pregnancy is intense. You gain 50lbs, your feet swell, your back hurts, and strangers are always trying to touch your belly– but what a lot of people forget is particularly exhausting, is that you have to carry on with regular life anyways! So even though you're a walking, talking baby factory, life goes on.
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‘You built a house on land you don't own’: Lawyer flips the script on builder whose poor craftsmanship led to client's ranch house getting foreclosed

‘You built a house on land you don't own’: Lawyer flips the script on builder whose poor craftsmanship led to client's ranch house getting foreclosed

'Who builds a house on land they don't own?', would be my first question after reading this story that took place in the 70s. It seems absurd to even think about it. Back in 1972, u/CampfiresInConifers's parents planned to build a ranch house in the countryside, after their mortgage was approved by a local bank. It was a small, rural kind of town, you know the type. The builder, who we will call Bob, overcommitted himself and left inexperienced workers to do their jobs, resulting in numerous mi…
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'Man cave converted into baby room #2': Husband fights with wife after losing man cave to upcoming baby

'Man cave converted into baby room #2': Husband fights with wife after losing man cave to upcoming baby

It's time to deconstruct the concept of the “man cave.”
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'After a week with no electronics, it finally happened': Father takes son's devices, makes himself late for work

'After a week with no electronics, it finally happened': Father takes son's electronics, only to have the punishment backfire on him

It's your job as a parent to try to raise your kid right. You try to instill good values and push them to be kind, hardworking, and to follow the rules. But of course, kids definitely do not always follow rules, especially when they're young. This person remembered a funny tale from when he was in elementary school . He did something to annoy his father, though neither of them can recall what the incident was anymore. So u/Zylly's father decided the best course of action was to take away all hi…
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'Just like that, I was unemployed': Game store exec fires employee for refusing to sell his teenage son a video game

'Just like that, I was unemployed': Game store exec fires employee for refusing to sell his teenage son a video game

This person was just trying to follow the rules . But that didn't matter at all to the store they worked for. At every job, there are specific rules that you have to follow. Sometimes you can bend the rules a bit to make your life easier. But some things are too important to mess around with. Age restricted items would probably fall under that second category. This person, u/PM_ME_UR_DIPLOMA, had a story for r/TalesFromRetail on this very subject. They write that while working at a video game s…
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‘You messed with the wrong neighbor’: Neighborhood middle school kids throw eggs at neighbor's car, neighbor drives egg-covered car to their parent's house to get even

‘You messed with the wrong neighbor’: Neighborhood middle school kids throw eggs at neighbor's car, neighbor drives egg-covered car to their parent's house to get even

‘Kids these days’ is a saying that has been used for centuries to describe the younger generation, who have some serious courage (more than I ever had, to be sure). Kids don't really get the implications of their actions unless they are taught a lesson, and that lesson can come in all shapes and forms. Good parenting is critical to solving recurring issues, such as the one I am about to tell, and luckily the dad in the story understood the assignment. OP began his tale by explaining how two kid…
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'My parents disapproved of him': Woman sets her judgemental parents straight by disclosing how much her fiancé's construction company earns, upsetting both parties

It's frustrating when someone can't keep a secret, especially when you've literally just finished telling them that secret, and the words are barely out of your mouth before they're sharing it with everyone. Of course, you learn to never disclose your secrets to that person after being burned once by their blabbermouth, but it's a little more complicated when that person is your spouse. It's also never easy living with a family who disapproves of your spouse due to their own haughty bias and pr…
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mom moms momfluencer influencer mommy social-media kids park likes playground parenting parents parent bad-parenting children child cringe reddit

'Get your kids out of the way': Wannabe mom-fluencer gets banished from the park after dominating the playground for her own personal photoshoot

Mom-fluencers are objectively the worst. Half the time, they're the type of parents that film their child's tantrums to teach their 20,000 followers how to manage meltdowns, but in real life they're forgetting to give their kid any genuine attention, they're late to pick them up from school because they were live-streaming at Target, and they're the parent that would rather get those likes instead of putting a bandaid on their kiddo's scraped knee.
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'i believed that for years': 30+ funny fibs people were told by adults when they were young

'I believed that for years': 30+ funny fibs people were told by their parents when they were young

When you're young and too inquisitive, parents tend to deliver the occasional white lie.
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dad dads parents parent neighbor rival neighbors petty revenge reddit story permit building planting-trees trees gardening

'They blocked out the sunlight to our neighbor's property': Determined dad plants trees to get back at his neighbor after they snub his building permit

Dads always have some kind of problem with the neighbors. Perhaps the innate dadness of living in a neighborhood and showing your dadly dominance over the other dads, but at some point, there's a natural progression from friendly competition into neighborly rivalry.
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'I was AGHAST': Heroic couple confronts a litterbug in the street, turning the tables by giving them a taste of their own medicine

Nobody likes a litterbug. When people trash your neighborhood with their literal garbage, something rubs you the wrong way.
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